

These are my personal opinions; i'm not here to please you and what YOU want to hear. Thats all, enjoy.


So I was wrong; Trump won the election. As I said, i'm for neither so my opinion is unbiased. This morning I heard someone say "If I find out that anyone at this school voted for Trump, i'm going to punch them, I don't care if I get in trouble." And that was weird. Why beat someone up just because they have a different political stance than you? And i've seen so many people saying "Oh if Trump wins, i'm killing myself." Or "I'm prepared if Trump wins." I think thats crazy...saying that you'll kill yourself just because someone you don't like, wins. It's different if the person winning is a horrible president, but, Trump wasn't a shitty president, thats why he's winning again. And it's not just Kamala supporters saying stuff like this, it's also Trump supporters. They'll see a post of a guy voting for Kamala, and call him a faggot or they'll say that they could beat him in a fight. I hate how divided America is during the election. Why can't we all act like adults and respect others opinions without acting like children or saying "oh i'll beat up anyone who supports XYZ!" Or instead of threating with violence, why don't you civilly explain why you should vote for XYZ, and if they don't agree with you or change their mind, respect their opinions. Thats all, don't be a asshole because someone voted for who you didn't want to win.


I personally think Kamala is going to win the election. I'm not a Kamala nor Trump supporter, but, looking at it, I think Kamala is going to win. Yes, theres many Trump supporters; theres also many famous celebrities for Kamala. For example: Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala...and you know Swifties. If Taylor is voting for Kamala, they will too. I also feel like people are just voting for Kamala because if she wins, she will be the first female president. People are also voting for her in spite of Trump. If they don't vote for him, and instead vote for Kamala, he's sure to lose...right? Going back to the "celebrities endorsing Kamala"; I feel like it shouldn't be allowed for a major public figure to promote a certian side. If they do, people will vote for the person their favorite celebrity is, even if they don't really know what they stand for or how they'll change America. I also think that if Kamala wins, Trump supporters will do something again. They may not storm the capital again, but they will surely do something else extreme. So if you live in D.C, be ready for some shit to go down! Haha...i'm joking, but just be aware. Anyways, that's really it. I just wanted to voice my thoughts about this election.


I don't understand this "fat positivity movement" (also called body positvity movement). What started as a positivity movement for people with physical diabilities, blossomed into this gluttonous and dangerous celebration. People shouldn't be celebrating obeseity and overeating. I know that may sound like common sense, but a lot of people support or even glorify being immobile or being so fat that you can't even fit into a 3XL. And don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that you have to be extra super skinny, i'm just saying that being obese is not something to glorify and celebrate. We're at the point now where someone could post a video of them being immobilized because of how morbidly obese they are, and people support them! And if you dare to speak out about how this is promoting an unhealthy life style, you get called "fatphobic". I feel like now people are hating on skinny people just because they're not fattening up. You could look through the comments of a skinny girl working out and find people callig her fatphobic or saying that she's promoting an ED. People are also so brainwashed by this toxic movement that they'll see a formerly obese or chubby person working out, eating healthy, and basically saving their own life, and they'll call that fatphobic. That is utterly INSANE to me how someone could see a video or picture of someone getting their life back together and feel so offended to the point where they call that fatphobic or insensitive. Like honestly how can someone see a person so obese that they can't walk, they're on a breathing tube, they can't bathe themself, and praise them? How is this the world that we live in? I honestly feel bad for the people who are brainwashed into thinking that being obese is something to love and long for.